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Everything Is “Figure-out-able”

I’ve come to realize, if you want to achieve big dreams, you must believe in your ability to “figure things out.”

Maybe you wanna create a podcast, write a book, or build a business. Go figure, three things I’m always working on. 

But perhaps you want to make some of your own clothing, start public speaking more, or meet the love of your life. 

Whatever the heck it is, it all requires learning.
And learning in the right sequence. 

What do I mean by sequence?
You don’t want to learn too early, you don’t want to learn too late (obviously).
You want to learn “just in time”. (Haha, that’s a nickname my Grandpa used to call me. “Just-In-Time”)

Anyhow, the ability to learn like this is built on an important belief.

The mindset that “Everything is figure-outable”.

Do you believe in your ability to “figure things out”? 

If you don’t, then you simply can not learn ahead of time. You can’t learn in the moment for your future. And certainly, you won’t take action toward that ideal future either. 

Believe In Your Ability To Figure Things Out

Most learning should be proactive, but this proactive type of deep learning is tied to self-esteem. When your self esteem is low, you will have trouble creating a vision.
You might be able to daydream mindlessly, but you won’t be able to choose the actual aim and keep that moon in the window, so that you land amongst the stars.

Maybe deep down, you know you want to achieve something greater.

But you aren’t able to clearly see your vision.

Even if you have the vision, you don’t know what missions, or action steps to take, because the ability to learn skills and strategy require that you believe in yourself.

I’m Figuring Out How To Draw For My Book

I’ll give you a perfect personal example. 

Drawing was something I loved to do as a kid. And even as an adult, for like the last twenty years, I’ve always wanted to get better at drawing. 

But unless it was purely for enjoyment, or hobby, then sinking time into that skill would have been a huge waste of time.
Same goes for guitar, dance, and basket-weaving.

But, fast forward to today and I am working on my first fully published book.

I know my core audience appreciates books that have visuals. So I am definitely going to have some doodles in my book. 

Now, I could outsource these. I could hire someone to create engaging graphics that summarize my writing. 

I’m certainly a big fan of paying for services (figuring out the “who” not “how” of any project so to speak). 

But in this case, it would be way less scalable and less convenient. I have to explain which writing ideas to turn visual, and trust that the style will vibe with the book. More important to me, whenever I’m struck with a creative, visual idea, I won’t be able to make it. There would end up being a timeline of deliverables for the visuals.

But what if I think of a great one a month later? Finally, I am the creator of the book. I have zero problem with collaboration, or relinquishing some control. In fact, I have an author coach, I’m trying to get someone to work on the cover art together, and of course, I will have editors.

But as far as the visual ideas throughout, I see them a lot more like the writing itself. 

I want to be the one completing the writing, the designs, and the overall messages in the book. 

Learning To Explain Ideas Visually

So, I knew heading into this first book draft that I wanted to take a course on drawing simple images to explain ideas. 

I enrolled in Janis Ozolins’ course called “Explain Ideas Visually.” 

I’m learning how to visualize ideas to turn my writing into simple, powerful graphics while brushing up on my drawing skills. 

It’s been something I know I want to add to my list of skills, but if I took the course any earlier, it would have been a waste of time against other priorities in life. But in this season, as I have a clearer picture of what the book will be, as I get my ideas organized, it’s time to learn about explaining ideas visually in a more simple way. If I waited longer, that could have been a problem too. 

As I organize the book into chapters and start removing material, I want to have the visuals completed. So this part had to happen now.

In your case, I know you’re in one of three spots. 

  • You might have a solid idea of your vision, the actions you should take, and what learning you need to get there. 
  • But you might also be sitting there thinking, “I have no idea what my big dream goal is.”
  • Or maybe you know that vision, but you have no idea what to learn to get you there.

In all of these cases, a reminder on how to improve self-esteem can help.

How to improve self-esteem? 

The sneakiest self esteem secret I tell everyone is: FIND YOUR GO-TO PERSON. 

There is at least one person who believes in you, who supports you and you need to be able to lean into them when times get tough.

Marie Forleo has a book on the topic of self esteem and goal setting on this exact topic called “Everything Is Figure-out-able”.

Here are 8 themes that come up in her book that any of us can double check on today:

  1. Believe in Yourself: The foundation of achieving anything starts with the belief that you can figure it out. This mindset shift transforms challenges into opportunities.
  1. Take Action: Take consistent, small steps towards your goal. Action is key because it helps overcome fear and inertia, moving you closer to your desired outcome even if the path isn’t clear.
  1. Reframe Problems: Instead of seeing a problem as a dead end, view it as a puzzle to be solved. This positive outlook can make daunting challenges feel more manageable.
  2. Progress Over Perfection: Striving for “perfect” can be paralyzing. You can take feedback and pivot, but most of all continually improve.
  3. Resourcefulness: Be creative in finding solutions. Leverage all available resources. Get help from others, leverage technology, and be innovative in your approaches.
  1. Keep Going: Focus on stories and techniques about how to stay motivated, persistent and resilient in the face of setbacks. And believe it’s all happening for you.
  2. Train Your Brain: Be reflective first and then solution-oriented. Use positive self-talk, visualization, and other mental practices to prepare you to face challenges proactively.
  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate small achievements along the journey. Continually reinforce your ability to get on a winning streak. No matter how minor it may seem, it can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Want To Apply For Coaching?

I go super deep and it takes a lot of energy, I only take on a few clients at a time. So it’s always a good idea to be on the waiting list.

Every so often I go to my list of applicants and do some initial clarity calls.

I charge a lot of money for a one-time clarity call, but for potential coaching clients, this call is FREE.

It’s not a 15 minute “chat”. More like 1-2 hours. And it is a deep, powerful, life changing coaching session.

The goal of this session is to identify your big dream, what’s getting in the way, and come up with a plan.

There is no big sales pitch about being a client at the end.

If you want to work together long term AND I feel it would be a positive experience for both of us then I will explain the next steps.

Either it will be a Hell Yes, Or A Hell No!
But no matter what it will be an incredible experience.

If you want to learn more about how and why I specifically coach people one to one,​ check out this article.​

Ready To Apply For Coaching?

If you want to explore working together you can apply here.

Justin Nolan JKL Coaching Application Form

Not Ready For Coaching Yet?

I’ve worked with a number of coaches after years of learning from them.

I listened to their podcasts, read their newsletters and read their books.

Years later I had saved up enough money, or worked up the courage to learn from them directly.

One of the best ways I share everything I learn to help you on your journey is in the JKL Newsletter.


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DreamBig, GoalSetting

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